Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Jan 2nd 2019

Spudguns!, we all made it to 2019.

This would be the official announcement for Night Bleeds for this month.  The book selection is Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman.  Due on the last Sunday of the month which in this case is the 27th of January.

So, to join in, you need to have a blog. Read the book, blog about your thoughts, and if by chance you are inspired to cook or bake or craft (paint, journal, plant a garden etc) because of it, let me. If enough people join in, I'll have a Round-Up a day or two later.

The blog post must be current - in this case January 2019- and must link back to either this post, the general Night Bleeds page, or on the day, my own post.

And as usual, if you are in the Thunder Bay area, and would like to join in on the physical book club let me know.

Happy reading.

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