Thursday, March 3, 2016

March Night Bleeds Announcement

March's book selection - I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
              movie selection - Omega Man  starring Charlton Heston

Watch the movie, read the book, and blog about it. The blog post must be current (March 2016),
with a link back to this post and let me know by commenting if you have, with the link to it.

If the movie or book or both, inspired you to cook/bake/craft something, then add that to your post.

Deadline is the last Sunday of the month - March 27th 2016 

As always, if you're in the Thunder Bay area and would like to be part of the physical book club, let me know.

I would actually like to start doing a "round up" for Night Bleeds the All Vampire book/movie Club  much in the same way Food n Flix is done.  So anyone who comments with their post link, I'll be adding to a round up the next day.


  1. Looking forward to another month. I've picked up the book and need to get my hands on the movie. A roundup should be fun!
