Your! Yeah, I got a little crazy with the pink, but hey, you can see my one scar on my arm. Scars rock! And I should know, I have six of them. Started collecting when I was 17...not on purpose.
And look, I dressed up...well I'm not in my pajamas so good enough right...
Well, it was another vegan meet-up tonight. And because of some last minute issues, there was only two of us tonight. Meg and myself. Meg wouldn't let me get her on photo tonight, though her new haircut was fabulous.
Anyways, she made a Quinoa and lentil salad, and I made a mixed green salad and baked beans. Oh the molasses made everything so sticky...tasty though, very tasty.
We didn't make a dessert, cause I wasn't smart enough tonight to...but with all the molasses, sweetness was covered. Mmmm, molasses.
You can stop drooling now...seriously, if you wanted some you should have been here. There are a few wrestlers who will be mumbling about molasses all night now and no one will understand why...
till next time.
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