When I used to have my MAC, I made short somethings constantly. Unfortunately, they died with the MAC and I haven't thought about them since.

Then I was thinking, and I know I posted about this months ago on another of my blogs...when soap operas do a scene where they have an accident do they just have their normal make-up people do the cuts and bruises or do they bring in make-up people from other shows?
Seriously, are make-up people from night time cop/doctor dramas brought in or what? And do those soap opera make-up people who do normally just beauty make-up, ever have to do horror film make-up training? And horror film make-up people, or night time cop/doctor shows, do they have to spend days in a morgue being trained to do morgue make-up?
These are the weird things that run through my mind for no reason when I'm having coffee.
Aren't you glad you stopped by this neighbourhood this morning for coffee?
And for those of you reading The Nosferatu Adventures, next season isn't that far away. I can't wait a whole year to bring back my characters. I'm going to be writing the next few installments and have them ready in time for Hallowe'en.
Just clearing out my mind right now, catching up on the last few months of TNA Impact that I've missed, on the Spike website. (Hail Sabin)
Remember my Spudguns! I'm only ever as deep as the bottom of my empty coffee cup.
till later.
Love Ardeth Blood.
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