Sunday, September 7, 2014

Coffee Talk Sept 7th

Anyone else get excited when they walk into a store and see a shelf or bin of new DVDs they've never heard of before? No, just me then... Well, found a few the other day when I was shopping that I've never heard of before, horror films to boot. I'm just debating if I should dive into them now or leave them till closer to Hallowe'en for the yearly Hallowe'en week movies? Decisions, decisions.

I've been struggling with trying to find another "what that movie inspired me to do" project for the blog. Because, to be honest, nothing has actually inspired me in a really long time. But I do feel that this blog is needing some more of those types of posts. And I know you're feeling it too.

It's the time of year when tv shows return for a new season. The only thing I'm looking forward to this year is season 10 of Supernatural.

Till later

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