There is just something so perfect about a movie that has to do with food and eating. Something comforting about the idea of bringing people together around a table.
This is my top five favourite movies on the topic of cooking.

3.Big Night
4.Ramen Girl
5.Woman on Top
Ratatouille. I would never have even thought to pick this film up, but for the fact that I put the question out on Twitter about two years ago asking what were some of people's favourite cooking movies? I was answered by a celebrity chef saying he loved Ratatouille and watched it with his kid all the time.
I went out right away and got a copy and totally understand why he chose it. It's more then about food, it's about living your dreams no matter how many obstacles are in your way.
Julie and Julia (Day 1) I know I've added this to more then one of my top five lists, but it's a movie that really affected me on a bunch of levels. I think the magic of this film is that it's a bio-pic. Lives were changed by the two women and the ripple effect is still being felt decades later.
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