Sunday, July 24, 2016

year 5 day 168 (Food n Flix July)

This month's Food n Flix selection is Popeye, and is being hosted by the Lawyer's Cookbook

The One Movie A Day Challenge part:

movie: Popeye
starring:Robin Williams, Shelley Duvall
format:  online

plot: Popeye comes to a small port town looking for his long lost father. Along the way, he ends up adopting a baby and falling for the landlord's daughter. Soon, they find themselves battling Olive's ex boyfriend's rage, as he taxes her family into the ground.

Okay, I'm not going to lie, I had a difficult time sitting though this one. I've seen it once 36 years ago, when it first came out at the cinema, I was six. And didn't remember anything from it other then I hated it then.   I honestly don't understand what it was that seemed to keep Shelley Duvall in movies back in the day?  She's unfunny, untalented and like a walking skeleton. The only reason she got this film was because she looked like the cartoon character to begin with.
I heard a rumor that not only is this up for a remake, John Cena is up for the lead role of Popeye. (please let it be just a rumor) I think this movie should be buried under some dinosaur bones in a tar pit and forgotten it ever existed. But, if a remake happens, John Cena would make sense as the new Popeye. At lest he wouldn't have to pad his arms or anything. And how fitting, given I think a potted plant has more talent.

What do I think I learned?  I will never like musicals ever.

The Food n' Flix part:

The Food: hamburgers, carrots, canned broccoli, salt, canned spinach, garlic, "olive oil and sweet peas", ketchup, milk, fish, potatoes, shrimp, chicken, meatballs, beer, bread, eggs, turkey leg, whiskey, mustard, rose punch, toothpick-sandwiches, tea, peanuts, popcorn, "castor oil", pea soup, octopus.

Okay, so my recipe got derailed four different times. The heat here has been unbearable, but I finally decided to give something a try, anything! Specially since I missed out last month. So I went pretty damn simple with a Garlic Mashed Potato Cake.  Basically, it is a veggie version of a fish cake. Nothing special. But I did manage to use 4 of the items seen in the film.

I sliced up a couple large baking potatoes, and boiled them in salt water till soft, then drained them.
Added butter, minced garlic, and milk (I used almond milk)

and added a bit of chopped up onion and ground black pepper.
 Shaped them, and fried in a bit of olive oil. They were quick, simple and so tasty.

And this is the part where I get to tell you, next month's selection is Hotel Transylvania 2...take a wild guess who's getting to host that one...right, right.


  1. Yummm, I could definitely eat these any day of the a meal or as a side. I did hear there was a 2016 movie slated, but never heard anything or saw anything about it. Hmmm...

    1. Thanks. They came out just a bit softer than I had hoped.

  2. Potato Cakes are always a good choice. We sometimes have them as a main meal on Meatless Mondays. Looking forward to next month. I have never seen Hotel Transylvania.

    1. Thanks. It's Meatless Mondays 7 nights a week for me.
      Don't forget, it is part two we're doing...

  3. Hmmm...I haven't had a potato cake in years. Yes, I am shuttering at a remake too. I looked up how much was spent making this movie (shot on location in Malta, I believe) and I was speechless. :)

    1. I don't think I want to know. lol. But it was the 80's so that would have been a large sum...

  4. I am afraid I share your views on the film this month. Still great recipes are coming out of it, got to try these potato cakes

    1. I know right. I'm always amazed at how even when people don't care for the film, they still manage to find a great theme from it.

  5. Thanks. We had lots of fishcakes when I was growing up, we never actually had just plain potato ones ironically.

  6. I came really close to making a potato and green pea cake for this round. These look yummy--you got great color on them! ;-)

    1. Why didn't you? Thanks, I was afraid they weren't going to get any colour.

  7. Those potato cakes look AMAZING!!! I don't eat fish, so this is perfect for me!
